BrimaPack delivers 18-row Transplanter

BrimaPack has built and delivered a VeTrac II 9/7 T 18-row Transplanter.

With three, six row Ferrari’s FastBlock Transplanter modules, attached to the VeTrac e-Drive caterpillar from BrimaPack, the machine can transplant up to 8 meters wide with a maximum capacity of 130.000 Plants/hour. The VeTrac is suitable for transplanting celery, iceberg lettuce and other vegetables.

Planting speeds are variable from 500 meters per hour up to 3.500 meters per hour. The Trimble RTK-GPS autopilot is used for automated raster planting. The VeTrac platform can store 12 to 16 pallets during transplanting. It is equipped with unique automated logistics to transport trays to and from the planting section. Workers are protected for heavy wind by windbreaks on the sides and back.

BrimaPack’s unique e-Drive system is lowering fuel costs and greenhouse gas emissions drastically and is giving you optimal drivability suitable for today’s demands and future expectations. The unit has Wireless Remote control for driving, steering, lifting, transplanting and folding.

After uncoupling the 18-row planter section and the hydraulic foldable VeTrac, the complete unit can be transported on two semi-trailers.

Please find a video of the Transplanter in action on YouTube:

To learn more about the VeTrac e-Drive Transplanting Rig or ask for a quotation, contact Ron van de Pavert at +31 315 640 731 or send an email to